Monday to Friday – 8am to 5pm
For more information send an email to progredir@progredir.org
+55 21 99951-7041
Donations – Bank Itaú
Agência: 3133
C/C: 06659-1
PIX: CNPJ 05553848/0001-61
How to help?
- With monthly or annual contributions.
- With donations of food and pedagogic materials.
- Sponsoring one of our projects.
- Volunteering.
Basic Basket Campaign
For every $20,00 you can provide a basket of basic food for a family.
Dignity Kit Campaign
For $140,04 a bunk bed | for $40,01 a board game | for $37,01 a mattress | for $03,98 a pillow.
Milk Campaign
With $10,00 you provide a glass of milk for 100 children.
Roof Campaign
With $19,61 you provide a roof for a family.
Water Filter Campaign
With $24,01 you provide potable water for a family.
School kit Campaign
With $26,01 you guarantee a better quality of learning for a child.
Sneaker Campaign
With $32,01 you will provide shoes for a child to attend class with dignity.
Books for library campaign
With any amount you can help us encourage the pleasure of learning in 200 children and teenagers.
Millennium Goals:
By definition, social sustainability is a set of measures aimed at improving the well-being of the population as a whole. Part of the objectives is to encourage actions related to human needs, such as health and education. Furthermore, some SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) seek to reduce social inequalities and expand access to basic rights and services, such as food.
Check it out below:
SDG 1 – Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger: Espaço Progredir promotes an improvement in family income by encouraging protagonism: semi-professional workshops with the delivery of an ACTIVITY START KIT. End poverty in all its forms, everywhere.
SDG 2 – Zero hunger and sustainable agriculture: Espaço Progredir is highlighted by COMSEA NI – Nova Iguaçu Municipal Food Security Council. Families that present vulnerable situations receive a basic food basket. The institution offers healthy breakfast and snacks, rich in milk and fruits. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
SDG 3 – Health and well-being: Espaço Progredir offers psychiatric medical care for the mental health of those assisted and their families. Healthy eating and physical activity are part of our pedagogical proposal. Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for everyone, at all ages.
SDG 4 – Quality education: Espaço Progredir with the “Joy of Learning” pillar focuses on helping children remain and develop at school, with the support of specialized services (speech therapy and psycho-pedagogy), and encourages reading and writing with workshops from the Reading Club and Correct Spelling Club. Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
SDG 5 – Gender equality: One of Espaço Progredir’s fundamental values is respect, which consequently works towards gender equality, promotes the empowerment of women and mothers of our clients, with services provided by social workers, psychology, conversation circles and community therapy. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
SDG 6 – Clean and affordable energy: Espaço Progredir makes use of clean energy. All our energy consumption is supplied by solar panels, recognizing the importance of clean energy. Ensure access to cheap, reliable, sustainable and renewable energy for all.
SDG 7 – Reduction of inequalities: Espaço Progredir promotes the reduction of inequalities among its assisted, through the protection of basic rights, with entrepreneurship activities, with small housing renovations, donations of water filters, household items and more. Reduce inequalities within and between countries.
SDG 8 – Peace, justice and effective institutions: Espaço Progredir believes in and works to implement non-violent communication between those assisted, their families and the community, through the development of social skills, and the values of respect, empathy and acceptance. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.